Rules & Regulations About exam and Evaluation
Rules & Regulations About exam and Evaluation
- Seating arrangement of exam hall must be done before half an hour prior to exam.
- Kindly attend the exam hall allotted to you for supervision before 10 minutes of commencement of exam.
have been distributed. - Proof reading must be done by subject teacher or subject experts 1 hour prior to exam.
- Carrying and operating mobile phones during exam is strictly forbidden.
- .Constant seating for longer duration by junior supervisor is not allowed.
- Discussing with visitors by junior supervisor (except emergency and urgent cases) during exam supervision should be restricted.
Internal evaluation is completed as per the timeline provided by University and it has been observed from the office record that no grievance from University is recorded regarding conduction of Internal Examination of Theory as well as Practical from last five years. Institute has prepared the Examination Calendar and Time Table as per the directions received from University. Exam Cell takes control for smooth conduction of examination. “No Copy Be Happy” message and Rules and Regulations were displayed on every examination room and every block supervised by one teaching faculty member. Within stipulated time as directives given by the University marks are informed to the Controller of Examination (COE) to display results.